Impractical Jokers Wiki

Bad News Bares is the 12th episode of Season Eleven of Impractical Jokers and the 262nd episode overall. It aired on January 9, 2025.


Murr, Q, and Sal throw and catch grocery items with celebrity guest Jax, and they get on one knee to profess their love in an awkward proposal. Later, the losing Joker will literally make everyone's pants drop in a very revealing punishment.


Over the Shoulder[]

  • Goal: One Joker must steal items from people's carts and then toss them over their heads where the other Joker is supposed to catch it.
  • Loser(s): Sal

Indecent Proposal[]

  • Goal: The Jokers read their proposals to their "girlfriends" (crew members) and in order to win the challenge, a bystander is given a confetti popper. If the person doesn't shoot off the confetti popper after the Joker reads it, they lose.
  • Loser(s): Sal


  • Loser(s): Sal
  • Punishment: Sal is put in a focus room where it seemingly looks like he is just giving a presentation about the importance of bonding to a group of strangers. However, Sal then sees what the punishment truly is when one stranger "helps" fix the room's wifi connection, exposing himself in front of Sal, followed by everyone else in the room. Sal's real punishment is that he has to give a bonding presentation to a bunch of nude people. Later in the punishment, Sal reads a slide that says it is someone's birthday, and Murr comes out of a cake naked. The punishment ends when Sal's mother calls him to see what he is up to, not knowing what he is doing supposedly.


  • This is the second time Murr has been naked on the show. The first time is in the episode Sweat the Small Things when the other Jokers exposed themselves in front of Sal's neighbors.
  • This is the first episode where Sal receives 2 thumbs-downs when the other Jokers received none. Before this episode, Murr, Q, and Joe have all received 2 thumbs down when everyone else had 0.