Bidder Loser is the fifth episode of Season Five of Impractical Jokers and the one-hundredth-eighth episode overall. It aired on March 10, 2016. The Inside Jokes version of this episode aired on May 18, 2017.
The guys ask strangers to help them bury bizarre items in the park, go head-to-head to see who can cling to a car the longest, and play another game of "repeat after me".
Help Me Bury This[]
- Goal: Convince a stranger to bury an item.
- Loser: Q lost because he couldn't get a guy to help him bury a bag of water with goldfish inside. Sal lost because he couldn't get a woman to help him bury, believe it or not, his niece. He later told his niece to never conspire with the guys again.
Vehicular Handslaughter[]
- Goal: Keep your hand on a stranger's car the longest.
- Loser: Joe pretended to be stuck under the car, but was simply pulled out by security. Murr lost as well.
Repeat After Me[]
Joker vs. Joker: Q vs. Joe.
- Goal: Get stranger to repeat weird sound.
- Loser: Q
- Loser: Q
- Punishment: The other jokers have taken Q to Bodnar's Auction House to partake in an auction where he has to sell items people believe belong to him, and when the bidding starts, he has to interrupt, saying he wants to change his mind and not sell the items and take the items back. The items he takes back are his Les Paul guitar, then an autographed Goose Gossage baseball and a Sterling Silver solitary engagement ring (he has to change his mind after they sell it, infuriating the crowd). The last item being auctioned is so special, Q cannot change his mind about selling it: what could be hidden under the tarp? The tires of his Jeep! As if making a really big mess inside the vehicle during a fancy three-course meal wasn't enough, the Jokers removed the tires for his Jeep and have auctioned them off for $775! How is Q going to get home?!
Inside Jokes[]
You Dirty Dog • The Bachelor Party • Drive, Drive, Drive • Poetry Slammed • Bleach for America • Smashing Success • Pity in Pink • Twists and Turns • High-Lights from the High Seas • Space Oddity • OK Zoomer • The Prince and Me • Breaking Wind Beneath My Wings • Prince + Charming • I'm Having the Best Time • Documentary No! • Food, Air, Toilet • A Tasteful Episode • Moist Richard • Eric Andre • Jillian Bell • Colin Jost • Rob Riggle • Chris Jericho • Adam Pally & Jon Gabrus • David Cross • Method Man • Brooke Shields |