Impractical Jokers Wiki

Breaking Wind Beneath My Wings is the 11th episode of the 9th season of Impractical Jokers and is also the 216th episode of Impractical Jokers. It aired on July 8, 2021.


Murr, Joe, Q, and Prince Herb pitch out the year's hottest new TV shows to would-be viewers. Then, they enlist volunteers into a variety of normal focus groups. Plus, the big loser must deliver the performance of a lifetime.


Pitch Imperfect[]

Goal: Allow the other Jokers to say whatever they want into your mic. If you turn off the mic, you lose.
Loser(s): Joe lost to Q and Prince Herb lost to Murr.

Focus Group Faceoff[]

Goal: Get the most attendees for your focus group.
Loser(s): Murr, Q, and Joe


Loser(s): Joe
Punishment: Joe is forced to sing Bette Middler's "Wind Beneath My Wings" to the best of his ability in front of a livestream made up of Impractical Jokers fans. The Jokers use this challenge to their advantage knowing that Joe is not a good singer.

Opening Quote[]

"Why My Shirt Stink Tho?"- Joe



  • This is the first episode to address Sal as Prince Herb, since he would be known as that for the next six episodes until Moist Richard.