Impractical Jokers Wiki

Chick Magnet is the seventeenth episode of Season Seven of Impractical Jokers and the 169th episode overall. It aired on October 4th, 2018. The Inside Jokes version of this episode aired on July 16, 2019.


The guys turn on the charm to make a restaurant basement sound enticing and recruit unsuspecting shoppers to shout out bizarre nicknames. Then, tonight's big loser must find his way out of the cuckoo's nest before the chicks get crazy


Check Out the Basement[]

Goal: Get customer to follow you to the basement.
Loser(s) Q and Sal

Shout Out[]

Goal: Get someone to yell out the nickname.
Loser(s) no one

Wise Guys[]

Joker vs.Joker: Murr vs. Sal
Goal: Get a stranger to agree with your lesson.
Loser(s) Murr and Sal


Loser: Sal
Punishment: Sal is placed in an office while the other Jokers release chickens into a room which Sal must catch and put in cages

Opening Quote[]

  • Hey, One-Ball Barry! - Murr


Inside Jokes[]

