Impractical Jokers Wiki

Colin Jost is the 20th episode of Season Nine of Impractical Jokers and the 225th episode overall. It aired on June 23, 2022. The Inside Jokes Version aired on September 22, 2022


Murr, Sal, and Q learn a hard lesson about being kind to food service professionals, before heading off to give rock solid relationship advice. Then, the losing joker is in for a shock, as Colin Jost leads him in a punishment that spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E.


Ice Cream Jerks[]

Goal: Don't get warned about the tainted ice cream.
Loser(s): no one

Bad Romance[]

Goal: Get the most hands raised.
Loser(s): Q


Loser(s): Q
Punishment: Q is forced to wear a suit that is a bite vest designed for attack dogs. Then, he goes up against Riley in a spelling bee, where, if he spells a word wrong, an attack dog named Voodoo will bite the suit until he spells the word correctly.