Impractical Jokers Wiki

Irritable Vowel Syndrome is the nineteenth episode of Season Eight of Impractical Jokers and the 196th episode overall. It aired on October 10, 2019. The Inside Jokes version of this episode aired on December 17, 2020.


Q, Murr, Sal and Joe seek help from customers while escaping security at the grocery store; they tell bizarre tales to diners at a food court; the big loser is left looking for a missing letter.


On the Lookout[]

Goal: Get a stranger to yell the bizarre phrase.
Loser(s): Q

Long Story Short[]

Goal: Get a stranger to agree with you.
Loser(s): Q and Murr


Loser(s): Q
Punishment: Q has to pose as a raffle moderator at a health conference sponsored by Welnys, and if he finds people whose names begin with all five vowels, he can check them off the list and move on, and the punishment ends when he finds all five vowels on the board, but for individuals whose names don't begin with the five vowels, he has to say whatever the other Jokers tell them directly to their faces, with the insults found on the clipboard. Q lucked out with the first two vowels, "A" and "E", but upon meeting somebody whose first name begins with the letter J, he has to tell him that he has no bulge in his pants at all. Shortly after Q finds the final vowel, "U", from a woman named Ursula, he then meets two people whose names begin with consonants F (nose hair trimmers are cheap these days), T (Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more) and K (complimented and insulted at the same time, saying he should complete the pedophile look by growing a mustache). Upon meeting another person whose name begins with the letter J, the other Jokers offer to let him buy the "O" if they tell him "Speaking of old ass why don't you stand up for a sec?". Q does so, and only the "I" is left. Several insults later, the other Jokers offered to let Q buy the "I" if it's located within the next individual's name, and when Q and meets a woman named Jacqueline, the punishment is over.

Opening Quote[]


