Impractical Jokers Wiki

Shake What Daddy Gave Ya is the 9th episode of Season Eleven of Impractical Jokers and the 260th episode overall. It aired on September 19, 2024.


Murr, Sal, and Q come in hot and correct "rude" behavior, but not before adding an unusual fee to customers' bills. Sadly, one of them couldn't wrap his mind around winning this week, so he'll have to wrap his legs around something else!

Phony Fees[]

  • Goal: Get the customer to pay the fee
  • Loser(s): Murr and Sal

Mind Your Manners[]

  • Goal: Do and say what you're told
  • Loser(s): Sal


  • Loser(s): Sal
  • Punishment: Sal gives a pole dancing demonstration in front of an audience that his father is a part of. He later shows a fake review of his service made by Murr, which reveals that Murr's private parts touched the same pole Sal rubbed his face on earlier.