Impractical Jokers Wiki

Sloppy Joe is a recurring character in Impractical Jokers. He almost always appears with 2 larges jugs of milk, to make a mess on the guys.

He was played by John Launonen.


Car Sick - After Q already had made a mess in his car with his previous meals, the Jokers send in Sloppy Joe to make a bigger mess. He gets milk all over the car and on Q.

Tied and Feathered - While Murr was tied down to a bench, Sloppy Joe takes a seat next to him and pours milk on Murr this time.

Training Day - When Murr started going down the side of the building, Sloppy Joe is in the first window waiting for him, where he once again pours milk on him and leaving him a mess; this was Q's revenge for his Jeep punishment.

