Impractical Jokers Wiki

Sweat the Small Things is the eighteenth episode of Season Two of Impractical Jokers and the thirty-fifth episode overall. It aired on August 15, 2013 and it had a total 1.61 million U.S. viewers. The Inside Jokes version of the episode aired on March 12, 2020.


The guys teach art classes, then they test fate with the Dartboard of Destiny at a bar. And later, the big loser stresses out over a Joker home invasion.


Con Artists[]

Goal: Do and Say What You're Told.
Loser: Joe

Dartboard of Destiny[]

Goal: Double-Down Challenge; Do whatever the board says.
Loser: Sal


Loser: Sal
Punishment: Sal is forced to introduce a stress-relieving slideshow presentation. In the demo videos, it turns out that Joe, Murr, and Q broke into Sal's house while he was on vacation and abused everything in the house, ending with pelvic thrusting while naked at the window in front of his neighbors.


Inside Jokes[]

  • After the punishment, Sal went back to his house and steam cleaned it.
    • Also, not long after this punishment, Sal eventually moved to a different neighborhood.


  • This is the first episode to only have 2 challenges.