Impractical Jokers Wiki

The Antisocial Network is the tenth episode of season eight of Impractical Jokers and the 187th episode overall. It aired on May 30, 2019. The Inside Jokes version of this episode aired on September 15, 2020.


Sal, Murr, Joe and Q play matchmakers at the food court, then switch fields to pose as architects, sharing some perplexing new building technology. Plus, tonight's big loser makes a connection while networking-- and won't let go.


Stupid Cupid[]

  • Goal: Get 2 strangers in a food court to meet.
  • Loser(s): Q and Sal.

Architects of Destruction[]

  • Goal: Get the most hands raised.
  • Loser(s): Q and Joe.


  • Loser(s): Q
  • Punishment: Q is at a networking event, and has to find one person to continually follow around, the entire time. He meets a man named Chris to follow around. Chris tries to lose Q but it does not work until Chris tells Q he is having a private conversation.



  • This is the second punishment to take place at a networking event. The first being Sal's punishment in Card Against Humanity.