Impractical Jokers Wiki

The Eggman is the seventh episode of Season Eight of Impractical Jokers and the 184th episode overall. It aired on May 9, 2019. The Inside Jokes version of this episode aired on September 1, 2020.


Joe, Q, Sal, and Murr go incognito to fool unsuspecting strangers, pop in for a coffee just in time to miss out on a big prize, and the big loser has a rotten punishment.


That Ain't Me[]

  • Goal: Don't get recognized by the receptionist.
  • Loser(s): Joe lost because the receptionist recognized the dog that he used in one of his turns.

Coffee Crooks[]

  • Goal: Joker vs. Joker: Sal vs. Q - Get someone to give you their gift card.
  • Loser(s): Nobody.


  • Loser(s): Joe
  • Punishment: Joe has to pose as a maintenance worker and crash a conference to find a bunch of eggs hidden around the conference room and eat all of them.



  • Unlike most episodes, in the intro to this episode during the part where it shows a preview of the upcoming challenges and punishment, it never calls any of the Jokers by their names. For the first challenge they simply say "This Joker" whose face is disguised. For the second challenge it refers to Q as Tony Gunk, his in-show alter ego who appears in some episodes.